Things to do
Seongwu barbershop which is the oldest barbershop in Seoul (성우이용원)
2019.10.31 by hyeranKIM
Dansan with the best view in Jeju Island (단산)
2019.08.25 by hyeranKIM
Seongsan Ilchulbong with the best viewpoint of sunrise in Jeju Island (성산일출봉)
2019.08.19 by hyeranKIM
Jeongbang waterfall in Jeju Island (정방폭포)
2019.08.19 by hyeranKIM
Hadori Fishing Village for Haenyeo Experience in Jeju Island (하도리 어촌 체험 마을)
2019.08.19 by hyeranKIM
Jimi Oreum with the best view in Jeju Island (지미봉)
2019.08.19 by hyeranKIM
Bamboo forest in Jeollado Damyang (죽녹원)
2019.08.18 by hyeranKIM
Seoul Upcycling Plaza (서울 새활용 플라자)
2019.07.29 by hyeranKIM