I want to share websites that will be useful to those who plan to travel to Korea. This is my personal opinion and I hope it will help you travel to Korea more convenient.
Tour buses help you travel all over Korea efficiently and easily. I sometimes use a tour bus when I travel to other regions. Because there are some inconveniences to travel using public transportation except for a few cities such as Seoul, Busan, and Daegu. For example, bus to bus service intervals are long and sometimes there is no bus to get the destination and it takes a long time to get a destination. Although the way of tour bus operation from region to region is different, most of the price of a tour bus is reasonable and each tour bus course is good to travel that region. I would like to recommend to you if you come to Korea on a short schedule or if you find it complicated to use public transportation in Korea. There are two types of tour buses. One run by the government and the other run by the company. Most of the tour buses I introduce here are run by the government.
You can find the information in English on each website but you can check all the information on the below website at once:
1. Seoul (Korean: 서울) city tour bus
Seoul City Tour Bus
한국어, 영어, 중국어, 일본어, 러시아어, 독일어 , 프랑스어, 스페인어, 태국어, 베트남어, 인도네시아어, 말레시아어
There are 4 courses in total and the price is different depending on the course. There is an audio guide in the tour bus and they offer an audio guide in 12 languages. You can use free Wi-Fi in the tour bus.
2. Gyeongju (Korean: 경주) city tour bus
There are 5 courses in total and the price is different depending on the course. There is no audio guide in the tour bus but the screen in the tour bus introduces the tourist attractions in 4 languages (English, Japanese, Chineses, and Korean). Reservation the tour bus ticket can be made online but there are some errors when the booking is processed on the website and there are some information that is not properly translated in English or written only in Korean so booking online is a little bit complicated. Therefore it may be better to call the service center (+82-54-743-6001) and ask for help with the booking process or purchase a tour bus ticket on site.
3. Busan (Korean:부산) city tour bus
Busan City Tour Bus
There are 6 courses total and the price is different depending on the course. Tour bus ticket can be reserved online or by phone (+82-51-464-9898) or purchase a tour bus ticket on site. The problem is that if you want to make a reservation online, you can only proceed it on a Korean website so you need to use Google Chrome translator when you make a reservation online.
4. Suncheon (Korean:순천) city tour bus
There are 4 courses in total and the price is different depending on the course. The website is only available in Korean but I recommend you to check the information (the operation time, non-service day, price and route of the tour bus) about the tour bus on the website using Google Chrome translator. All tour bus courses depart from Suncheon train station and return to Suncheon train station so it is convenient to choose accommodation near Suncheon train station. You can purchase a ticket for the tour bus directly from the driver when you board on the bus.
5. Yeosu (Korean: 여수) city tour bus
코스소개 낯선 도시를 가장 잘 이해하는 방법은 그 도시의 생활상을 그대로 보고 겪는 것이다. 그런 의미에서 여수 낭만 버스는 여수가 가지고 있는 가장 빼어난 완성작품이라 할 수 있다. 도시의 곳곳을 버스를 타고 돌며 유리창 너머로 혹은 관광지마다 내려서 만나는 유물·유적은 여수가 고대로부터 생생하게 이어져온 고도(古都)라는 역사성을 알게 하기에 충분하기 때문이다. 오동도 방파제를 지나면 음악분수가 경쾌하게 춤을 추며 여러분을 맞
There are 6 courses in total and the price is different depending on the course. The website is only available in Korean. The website is only available in Korean but I recommend you to check the information (the operation time, non-service day, price and route of the tour bus) about the tour bus on the website using Google Chrome translator. Except for one course, the other 5 courses depart from Yeosu Expo train station and return to Yeosu Expo train station so it is convenient to choose accommodation near Yeosu Expo train station. Tour bus ticket can be reserved online or by phone (+82-61-692-0900) or purchase a tour bus ticket on site.
6. Chuncheon (Korean:춘천) city tour bus
There is only 1 course and the price is KRW 6000. Tour bus ticket can be reserved by phone (+82-33-242-1113, 9:00~18:00). The tour bus departs in front of the tourist information center at exit 1 of Chuncheon train station.
7. Jeju (Korean:제주) city tour bus
제1조(목적) 이 약관은 "제주시티버스"가 운영하는 제주시티버스 홈페이지에서 제공하는 인터넷 관련 서비스(이하 "서비스"이라 표기합니다.)를 이용함에 있어 제주시티버스 홈페이지와 이용자의 권리•의무 및 책임사항을 규정함을 목적으로 합니다. 제2조(정의) ① "제주시티버스 홈페이지"란 "제주시티버스"가 제공하는 서비스를 이용자에게 제공하기 위하여 컴퓨터 정보통신설비를 이용하여 설정한 가상의 영업장을 말하며, 아울러 제주시티버스 홈페이지를 운영하는 사업자의
There is only 1 course. You can purchase a ticket for the tour bus directly from each bus station when you board on the bus. I recommend you to check the information (the operation time, non-service day, price and route of the tour bus) about the tour bus on the website.
- Private tour
에어비앤비 트립
미식 투어, 서핑 강습 등 현지인이 진행하는 유니크한 체험 활동
Korean Tour Guide
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Book Things To Do, Attractions, and Tours | GetYourGuide
Barcelona Admire Gaudi’s quirky architecture and find the paella recipe you’ll serve to dinner party guests back home. Explore things to do
대한민국 투어 BEST 10 - TripAdvisor - 트립어드바이저
대한민국 투어: 트립어드바이저에서 대한민국 소재 10 곳의 관광 투어 관련 리뷰와 사진을 확인해보세요.
- Taxi tour
1. Seoul (Korean: 서울) taxi tour
International Taxi - Seoul Foreign Language Taxi Service
It's a government-run tourist taxi for foreigners, so it's more comfortable because a foreign speaking driver drives a taxi. And the design of taxi is different from that of a regular taxi. Please refer to check the design of tourist taxi as below.
2. Busan (Korean: 부산) taxi tour
부산관광, 이젠 부산관광택시로 즐기세요
3. Jeju (Korean: 제주) taxi tour
4. Gyeongju (Korean: 경주) taxi tour
경주관광택시 홈페이지에 오신 걸 환영합니다!!
* If you have any questions or need any help regarding the trip to Korea, please send me a message. I am always ready to help you. I hope everyone who visits Korea makes many good memories of Korea. You can search my chatting room in Telegram messenger t.me/welcometokorea
댓글 영역